varje gång du möter min blick
2011-05-30 @ 20:29:25
war on sound
2011-05-26 @ 17:41:11

för den som vill ha rosor, tål taggiga stjälkar
2011-05-25 @ 19:14:08
i do believe it's true, that there are roads left in both of our shoes.
2011-05-24 @ 13:09:07

i love you with all my boobs. i would say heart, but my boobs are bigger.
2011-05-23 @ 17:23:37true
your love is like a flower
2011-05-20 @ 08:49:00

making love in the green grass
2011-05-19 @ 18:11:40

may i find you, may we sit together when we're gray and old, on cloud nine.
2011-05-18 @ 14:34:00

om du bara visste..
2011-05-17 @ 22:58:59hur mycket jag tänker på dig när du inte har en aning om det.
heart skipped a beat
2011-05-17 @ 18:36:41

guess who's back?
2011-05-17 @ 14:11:51hej gullisar, har fixat till bloggisen lite. så nu börjar jag ordenligt igen! puss
once I had a dream, once I had a hope. that was yesterday, not so long ago. this is not the end, this is just the world. such a foolish thing, such an honest girl.
2011-05-03 @ 19:35:44